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Digital Essentials modules

Build your digital skills for study and work.

Browse and select training

Choose modules from the 6 themes to help build your skills for study and to increase your employability. Complete the New to UQ? and Assignments essentials modules early in the semester to get prepared for your coursework.

How to use the modules

Build your Graduate Attributes

Knowledge and skills you gain from the modules can increase your employability as a new graduate.

Use the Graduate Attribute filter in our Digital Learning Hub to select modules to match the skills or attribute you want to develop.

Use the modules in courses

Teaching staff can embed or link the modules in courses to help build your students' digital literacy.

Each module has interactive elements throughout and a short H5P quiz at the end.

Tips for using the modules

Our student partners have put together tips on how to use the modules to build your digital skills.

You can complete entire modules or check the Module Overview section to select just the parts you need. Watch Using Digital Essentials (YouTube, 1m 41s):

Watch Using Digital Essentials on YouTube.