UQ eSpace scope and policy
UQ eSpace is the institutional digital repository for The University of Queensland (UQ). It is the authoritative source for the research outputs of past and present UQ staff and students and the archival home of UQ Research Higher Degree theses.
UQ eSpace encourages the deposit of open access materials, supports the Open Archives Initiative, and allows eSpace content to be harvested by search engines and cross-indexed in other archival platforms. It enhances discoverability and access to the rich collections of heritage and original materials held by the Library.
- To provide access to UQ research outputs and enhance the discoverability and impact of the research and RHD outputs of UQ Staff.
- To assist with external and internal reporting requirements.
- To assist in meeting the requirements of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.
- To provide enhanced access to original and cultural heritage materials held by the Library.
- To support Open Access mandates.
- UQ research staff
- UQ Higher Degree Research (HDR) students
- UQ Schools, Institutes, and Centres
- Other UQ organisational units including Research and Innovation, Office of DVC (Research)
- UQ Library staff
- UQ professional staff
- UQ Alumni
- Members of the public
Current University staff and HDR students can deposit work into the repository. This process requires authentication using their UQ username and password.
Works must be deposited by one of the authors or contributors to the work. Other staff members, such as research assistants and support officers are unable to contribute works on behalf of others in their Schools, Institutes, or Centres.
HDR students are required to submit their digital theses to UQ eSpace via the Graduate School's thesis submission process using Research Data Manager. The final thesis is published on UQ eSpace according to the preferences the student indicates at the time of finalising their thesis.
New University staff are encouraged to deposit their entire back catalogue of work published before they were employed at the University of Queensland. To assist in the automated ingest of previous works, new staff are encouraged to link a curated ORCID profile to their UQ eSpace account.
The guide at the following link has details about successfully setting up an ORCID for this process: https://web.library.uq.edu.au/library-services/services-researchers/orcid-idand-researcher-identifiers
Research publications
- Material that meets government reporting requirements. This includes traditional types of research outputs such as books, book chapters, journal articles, and fully published conference papers.
- Material that is subject to ARC, NHMRC, or other government mandates.
- Non-traditional research outputs such as original creative works, live performances of creative works, recorded/rendered creative works, curated or produced public exhibitions and events, and research reports commissioned by external bodies.
- Higher Degree Research and other theses including Professional Doctorates, Master's, and Honours theses.
- Scholarly outputs that are not otherwise peer reviewed such as technical working papers, scholarly book reviews, patents, or legal submissions.
- Research reports, commissioned reports, and other unrefereed research outputs such as seminar papers, presentations, and discussion papers.
- Pre-prints under certain, limited circumstances.
- Newspaper articles and scholarly blog posts such as The Conversation or Times Higher Education.
- Journals produced by UQ academics (e.g as editors).
- Conference proceedings, including those produced at UQ or where UQ academics serve as organisers or editorial board members responsible for organising the conference
Datasets and data collections
- Image collections.
- Audio and video material.
- Research datasets with a variety of mediated or open access conditions.
The University will comply promptly with requests to remove material from the repository if the author has a reason for the work to no longer be in the public domain. The University will also comply with any publisher requests for removal of the work because its presence in the repository contravenes the publisher's agreement with the author.
Retracted articles will remain in UQ eSpace with a status of "Retracted". The title will also be annotated with [Retracted Publication]. A record will also be created to link to the publisher's retraction notice. This acknowledges retraction as a matter of public record and, by providing the link to the Retraction Notice, keeps UQ eSpace publication records accurate to the versions maintained by the publisher.
The preferred format for textual content in the repository is .PDF files.
Other acceptable formats allowed by UQ eSpace include:
- Images: jpeg, jpg, jpe, gif, tif, tiff, png
- Archives: zip, tar, gz, gzip, tar, gz, 7z, rar
- Multimedia: avi, m1v, m2v, m4a, mk3d, mks, mkv, mov, mp3, mp4, mp4v, mpe, mpeg, mpg, mxf, qt, wav, wma, wmv
- Documents: ods, csv, xla, xlc, xlm, xls, xlsx, xlt, xlw, gsheet
Over time, items stored in UQ eSpace will be preserved as-deposited using a combination of techniques for data management and best practices for digital preservation. Due to the proprietary nature of many file types it is impossible to make guarantees about their future interoperability with other applications.
Files attached to UQ eSpace records are routinely scanned for compliance with current security standards. Files that fail to meet these standards for one or more reasons will remain available but include a notification that they fail to meet these standards. Users should exercise caution when downloading or otherwise accessing files that carry this notice.
UQ eSpace's commitment to provide persistent access to content in the Repository applies only to material hosted and maintained directly by the Library. Links and access to content stored outside the UQ eSpace Repository cannot be guaranteed.
Last updated 16 January 2023