Store and organise research data
Actively curate, organise and securely store data during your project.
Organise your data
Curate your data so it can be used and reanalysed in the future.
Collect and store metadata along with your research data in line with the UQ Research Data Management Policy. It is important for:
- discovery (title, keywords and project description)
- evaluation (methods and dates)
- reuse (information on variables, software or hardware required and access and reuse conditions).
Visit Metadata by the Australian Research Data Commons to learn more about metadata, types, benefits and a toolkit on best practice.
Data types and formats
Improve interoperability and reuse of data by choosing data formats that are non-proprietary and sustainable where possible.
For more information, read:
- Choosing Formats by University of Cambridge
- Recommended formats by the UK Data Service.
File naming
File and folder naming conventions support efficient use of your project's data, and make the data accessible to researchers over time.
- Choose descriptive, meaningful file names that can be clearly understood.
- Document the convention chosen and ensure it is followed consistently.
Visit File naming and formats for help.
Version control
Ensure the integrity and validity of your work by documenting a system for tracking versions, updates and changes made to your data and ensure it is followed consistently.
Consider using version control software or tools.
Read more about data versioning
Sensitive data
Sensitive data includes:
- human health and personal data, including information about secret or sacred practices
- ecological data that may place vulnerable species at risk.
It requires additional management to maintain privacy, confidentiality and avoid misconduct.
Determine if data is sensitive by:
- reading the Working with Sensitive Data guide by the Australian Research Data Commons.
- reviewing UQ's information security classifications
- your ethics and consent documentation
- any legal obligations.
Manage and secure your data appropriately:
- secure and back up your data
- use access controls and protocols
- document security guidelines and ensure they are followed.
Take steps to prepare data for sharing such as de-identifying, anonymising, aggregating, and developing licensing and access protocols.
Read the Publishing Sensitive Data Guide by the Australian Research Data Commons.
Store and secure your data
Ensure your research data is stored and backed up regularly as per the UQ Research Data Management Policy.
Arrangements must be in place for:
- the project's life cycle
- any statutory minimum periods of retention.
UQ Research Data Manager
Storage for research data at UQ is primarily provisioned via the Research Data Manager system.
- provision your project with 1 terabyte of storage
- provide access to others on the project (including collaborators at UQ and at other institutions).
Storing data at UQ
Visit Where to store your files and information for more about storing data, including by:
- types of files
- information security classification.