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Metrics support for grants and professional development

Browse training and support options to assist researchers to gather and use research or publication metrics when applying for a grant, promotion or as part of your Annual Performance and Development process.

Guides for gathering metrics

Browse Metrics example statements (UQ staff login required) in UQ eSpace for a list of statements that researchers can use to help contextualise their metrics data.



Complete the Metrics for Grant Writing and Promotion (staff login required) online module in Workday.


Support for external grant schemes


Internal grants and Performance and Development

Use metrics and engagement and impact evidence to support your:

Gather metrics and engagement and impact evidence

Use this process to help gather evidence:

  1. Create performance reports: 
  2. Identify your top-performing papers
  3. Check the online attention your publications have received through databases such as Altmetric Explorer or PlumX 
  4. Demonstrate the influence of your books or book chapters
  5. Demonstrate the impact of your non-traditional research outputs