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Find your publications and their citations
Find your publications using:
- Web of Science
- Scopus
- Dimensions
- Google Scholar
- CAS SciFinder-n (for Science disciplines). New users will need to create a profile to use this database.
Watch Finding your metrics with Scopus and Web of Science for help using these sites.
Measure the performance and rank of publications
- InCites — for publications indexed in Web of Science.
Create an InCites account to access it from anywhere. You may need to use the UQ Virtual Private Network to create an account if you are off-campus. - SciVal — for publications indexed in Scopus.
Users must register with a username and password - Publish or Perish — for publications indexed in Google Scholar or Microsoft Academic.
Find influential researchers in a field
Based on publications in Web of Science:
- Essential Science Indicators — discover the top 1% most cited researchers in a field
- Highly Cited Researchers — for exceptional research performance, demonstrated by production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for a field.
Find patent citations
Check Patent citations for details.