Ethical research data management
Ensure you have appropriate consent and ethics approval when you will be sharing or reusing your project's data or are engaging with Indigenous knowledge and data.
When applying for ethics approval, consider your responsibilities for research data according to:
- Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research
- the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research
by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).
Human research ethics application
The UQ Human Research Ethics Committee accepts applications for ethics clearance.
Ethics applications for human research submitted via the MyResearch system. Part 3 of the application relates to research data management and privacy.
Data management considerations
- Do you have appropriate consent for the future use of data in research?
- Does your data management plan ensure data is collected and maintained in accordance with relevant security standards?
- Are adequate data governance processes in place?
- Can you protect the confidentiality of the data and meet the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)?
- Will the data be non-identifiable and how will this be managed? Will it impact on reuse of the data in the future?
- Does your data management plan meet the Code of Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research?
- Is the data sensitive or confidential? If so, detail any restrictions on data sharing.
Visit Management of data and information in research for more information on managing data in an ethical way.
Indigenous knowledge and data
UQ researchers should pursue ethical and responsible research that contributes to cultural, social, environmental and economic benefits for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities, and ensures their rights to sovereignty over their data.
Appropriate research data management of Indigenous knowledge and data is important to achieve these goals.
- Code of Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research
by Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) - Indigenous Research Data Management Guide.
CARE Principles
The CARE Principles for Indigenous data governance are supported by UQ and researchers are encouraged to apply these principles in their research.
Collective benefit
Data delivers collective benefit, value generation, inclusiveness, insight, equity and well-being.
Authority to control
Steps are taken so communities have input, authority to control and access any data, and ensure ethical reuse.
Engage respectfully with communities and demonstrate delivery of benefits accruing to Indigenous peoples.
Indigenous people’s ethics inform data collection and governance at every stage, to minimize harm and respect Indigenous self determination.