Publish and share
As a researcher, choosing where to publish and how to promote your research is critical.
Use a strategic approach to publish in the most effective outlet and:
- define your academic profile
- increase the visibility and impact of your work
- contribute to scholarly discussions in your field
- add to the reputation of the University as a world-class research institution.
Follow a strategic process
Adapted from Think. Check. Submit.
Think about which journals are best for your research:
- journal relevance
- journal quality
- publisher credibility
- visibility
- strategic considerations.
Check what will maximise your work's scholarly impact:
- underpinning research data
- policy or mandate compliance
- article processing charges.
Submit for a rewarding academic publishing experience:
- use your ORCID
- avoid common author mistakes
- author affiliation as per UQ policies.
Promote your research at three different stages:
- pre-publication
- at the point of publication
- post-publication.
Track and evaluate your article's performance:
- author metrics
- altmetrics
- community engagement and impact.