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Make research open access in UQ eSpace

UQ eSpace is the University of Queensland's open access institutional repository for research outputs. It supports researchers comply with funding mandates by providing an avenue for open access (OA) publication.

Self-archiving (Green Open Access) 

You can make your work openly accessible by depositing the author accepted manuscript (post-print) version of your article. This has benefits for researchers and the University. 


  • improves visibility of research. Publications deposited in UQ eSpace are visible and accessible through a global network of services such as Google, Google Scholar, and Trove
  • improves shareability and citation of research by providing a persistent web address for each article 
  • enables researchers to manage and promote their publications 
  • helps to meet some funder OA mandates, e.g. NHMRC. 

Deposit in UQ eSpace 

  1. Login to UQ eSpace
  2. Self-archive your Author Accepted Manuscript (post-print).

If your publication is not visible not under My Works, refer to the UQ eSpace guide

Accepted deposit versions 

UQ eSpace accepts deposit of either:

  • the Author Accepted Manuscript (post-print)
  •  the Publisher’s PDF

 What is an Author Accepted Manuscript (post-print)? (YouTube, 1m 43s) has more information on article versions.

The version a journal publisher will permit you to deposit will vary from publisher to publisher. The majority of publishers will permit authors to archive the post-print and not the publisher's PDF in an institutional repository

Check Sherpa Romeo for the version publishers will allow to be submitted. Your publisher’s author agreement will identify the publisher's rights and any residual rights of authors. 

Archiving book content 

UQ eSpace can archive OA copies of books and book chapters. Like articles, funding bodies may mandate that books and book chapters resulting from funded research are made open access. Publisher policies on archiving book content vary greatly.  

  1. Upload the Author Accepted Manuscript of your book or book chapter to UQ eSpace.
  2. The UQ eSpace team will determine if it can be deposited to the repository, and will apply an embargo if required.
  3. The book or chapter will be set to automatically change to openly available via UQ eSpace at the end of the embargo period.

Contact the UQ eSpace Team for advice.