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Research and publish

Open research, funding, metrics, impact, data and UQ eSpace.

Explore our resources

Resources to support your research and practice as a UQ researcher or Higher Degree by Research (HDR) student.

ORCID and researcher IDs

ORCID, Google Scholar, Scopus and other researcher profiles.


Learn about publishing strategically, sharing your research, intellectual property and copyright and more.

Open research

Adopt open access, data and software practices in your research. Browse read and publish agreements for open access publishing.

Manage your research data

Research data management plans, ethical data management and tips on how to store, organise, share and reuse research data.


Measure research performance and attention to your research.

Engagement and impact

Increase and demonstrate the effects of your research.

Higher Degree by Research students

Support and resources for HDRs

Discover the key services and tools you can access during your candidature.
staff using a tablet

Find funding and opportunities

Visit Find funding and opportunities using Pivot-RP. Learn how to find:

  • personalised funding opportunities
  • calls for conference papers
  • possible collaborators.

using the Pivot® and Research Professional (Pivot-RP) database.