Request an ISBN or ISSN
International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs) and International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSNs) are unique identification numbers for published materials.
We can:
- allocate ISBNs to material produced by UQ staff and students and published by the University
- provide information on how to register your publication.
Choose an identifier
Before requesting an identifier, decide which type matches your publication.
An ISBN is unique to a single publication and can be allocated to a range of publication types, including:
- printed books and pamphlets
- electronic publications on the Internet or on physical media, such as CD-ROMS
- computer software
- educational videos.
The ISBN users' manual has the full range of ISBN publication types.
An ISSN is applied to a serial publication such as:
- newspapers, journals, and magazines
- newsletters
- annual reports
- monographs in a series.
More information about ISSNs is available from the National Library of Australia.
Request an ISBN
For a UQ publication
Email to request an ISBN. Include:
- the full publication title, with an indication if it is final or provisional
- author(s) of the publication.
We will reply with:
- your ISBN for immediate use
- instructions on how to register your publication.
Ensure that your publication meets legal deposit requirements:
Deposit your electronic publications through the National edeposit (NED) service.
For a non-UQ publication
We cannot allocate ISBNs for non-UQ publications. You can:
- purchase an ISBN for private publication from the Australian ISBN Agency, Thorpe-Bowker
- purchase a barcode from the Australian ISBN Agency, Thorpe-Bowkey.
Request an ISSN
We cannot allocate an ISSN to your publication. You can request an ISSN from the National Library of Australia. Once an ISSN is allocated, ensure that your publication meets the legal deposit requirements.