Open textbooks
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The Library supports teaching staff to publish and use open textbooks in courses.
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Open textbook grants
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Open Textbooks @ UQ snapshot
Our Open Textbooks @ UQ snapshot showcases UQ authors who have been awarded grants to help improve the student experience at UQ.
*The Savings figure is calculated on the assumption that every student in the course would purchase the required textbook.
Open textbooks
38 UQ courses use Open Textbooks @ UQ books.
Total number of UQ students
11,431 UQ students have used Open Textbooks @ UQ books in their course.
Semester 2 students
4,683 students used Open Textbooks @ UQ books in their course in Semester 2, 2024.
Total savings
UQ students have saved $389,194* not having to purchase a textbook.

Open Educational Resources (OER)
OER are licensed to allow free use, copying, adaption and sharing.
- Explore OER collections, including Open Textbooks @ UQ.
- Find other types of OER, including images and video, and learn about Creative Commons licences.
Benefits of open textbooks
The Textbooks today blog explains some of the issues UQ students may encounter with commercial textbooks and what they think about using open textbooks.
Engaging and accessible
"I don’t have to stress about purchasing and it is more accessible and easier to use and learn through multiple devices. It is way more engaging and makes learning easy! "
UQ undergraduate student enrolled in Business
Vibrant and easy to update
"Pressbooks allow us to compile our knowledge in one space and include support materials such as videos images and links, which just makes the text more vibrant and then as a result makes it more attractive for our students to learn. The other great advantage of Pressbooks is we can update whenever we want."
Professor Tracey Bunda, author of The Language of Relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
No restrictions
"No restrictions on the textbooks made it simple to download chapters with ease, without worrying about the 20-page limit like in restricted textbooks. I personally need to highlight and annotate, so I need to download and print these, to maximise my understanding."
UQ undergraduate student
Inclusive and equitable
Open textbooks have an important role to play to -
"Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all."
United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal - Quality Education
Open Textbooks @ UQ analytics
Find out how our open textbooks are used via our Google Analytics dashboard. You can adjust the date via the drop down option.