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Fryer Library collection development policy

Acknowledgement of Country and People

The University of Queensland Fryer Library acknowledges the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands on which the University of Queensland are situated. We pay our respects to Elders past, present, and emerging.

We recognise that our collections hold traditional intellectual property and cultural knowledge belonging to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Australia. We support communities to protect the integrity of this information in these collections.

Purpose of the Policy

The purpose of this policy is to define collection development guidelines and access conditions for Fryer Library collections across all formats.

The objectives of this policy are to:

  • assist Fryer Library staff in the informed and consistent selection of material to develop the collections, published and unpublished
  • provide a transparent process for the management of the collections
  • provide guidance on the suitability of offers for those seeking to deposit material with the Fryer Library
  • to inform academic staff, researchers and library staff about the scope, strengths and conditions of access.

Collecting priorities

The Fryer Library’s collection strengths are based on current and past collecting activities, with the focus changing over time in some areas. The Fryer Library’s collecting focus for the duration of this policy is on materials whose form, function and content are likely to advance scholarship or learning in the fields of Australian literature and drama, Queensland architectural history, the history of The University of Queensland including supporting the holdings of University Museums, history of political movements in Queensland, and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders languages and culture in Queensland.

Principle collecting areas

 Selection and acquisition guidelines

The Fryer Library acquires published and unpublished material through:

Use of the Cultural Gifts Program is restricted to donations expected to be valued at $10,000 or more. The donor will be expected to pay for the valuations.

Offers of manuscript donations can be made online via the Expression of Interest: Donation of Manuscript Collections.

In assessing the suitability of materials, the Fryer Library considers the following:

  • relationship and relevance to the purpose of the Fryer Library and its principle collecting areas, and the strategies of the University of Queensland Library and The University of Queensland
  • Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) rights, and cultural protocols or access conditions
  • material that adds to existing manuscript collections
  • significance of the materials being offered
  • provenance of the materials, such as creators and history of the materials are known
  • size of the materials on offer, including size of the collection, size of individual items or objects
  • condition of the materials, including preservation issues and affordability of identified conservation treatment
  • storage capacity and considerations
  • processing capacity.

Items not collected

Formats collected

The Fryer Library collects material in a wide range of formats including hand-written and typed manuscripts, rare books, rare journals, items, monographs, journals, original photographs, audio-visual materials, architectural plans, maps and electronic files. From time to time, artwork that has a strong connection to existing collections may be acquired.

Deaccession and deselection guidelines

Guidelines for the disposal of materials

Access conditions

The Fryer Library commits to respectfully care for and provide culturally sensitive and appropriate access to collections with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander material.

Consistent with The University of Queensland Library’s obligation to protect Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property, access to and publication of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander material held in collections of the Fryer Library requires the informed consent of the creator of the collection and the appropriate approval from an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person or group closely associated with the items in the collection.

Access to material with Cultural Access Conditions or relating to Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander peoples is dependent on the consideration of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services and Collections Team.


Rare. Published items, in any format (monographs, journals, maps, etc) that are valuable and/or vulnerable and require special treatment and security.

Heritage. Manuscript (unpublished) collections (large and small), the Hanger playscript collection, artworks and realia regarded as requiring regular valuation and special treatment. Included are the published items that were acquired as part of the donation from Father Leo Hayes.

Reference. Published items, in any format (monographs, journals, maps, etc) of lesser value that do not require regular valuation or special treatment. Included here are the ephemera, art gallery and theatre files.

Approval and review

Custodian: University Librarian

Approval authority: The University of Queensland Library Executive 

Approval date:  

Review date:  


Collection Management Policy of The University of Queensland Library

Archives Policy

Expression of interest: donation of manuscript material