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Web of Science Researcher Profile

A Web of Science Researcher Profile (using ResearcherID) is a valuable addition to your ORCID profile if you have publications indexed in Web of Science.

Log in or create a profile and ID

Access Web of Science via Library Search. Then either:

Not sure if you already have a ResearcherID? Search your name or ORCID ID in Web of Science before creating a new profile. 

Manage your Researcher Profile

Web of Science will use any identifiers you provide to link your publications to your profile for journals that are indexed in web of science. This provides you with citation metrics including your h-index and citations per paper.

Keep your profile up to date by adding missing works and removing any incorrect publications.

Connect your ORCID

Connecting your ORCID account and Web of Science Researcher Profile is a good way to keep both profiles up to date. You can sync publications and peer reviews.

In your Web of Science Researcher Profile:

  1. select the Profile button containing your name and then Profile settings
  2. select the ORCID Syncing tab
  3. press the Connect your ORCID profile button.

Add publications manually

You can add publications manually. In your Web of Science Researcher Profile:

  1. Press the Add publications button
  2. On the Add publications to your profile page:
    • review suggested publications
    • add publications by Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 
    • add publications by file upload (RIS, BibTex or CSV).
    • import from OCRID.

Manage your peer review

Your Web of Science Researcher Profile provides verified credit for peer review without compromising your anonymity or violating journal policies. 

You can adjust your Peer Review Preferences to display or remove this information from your Web of Science Profile by:

  1. select the Profile button containing your name and then Profile settings
  2. Select the Peer Review Preferences tab to adjust:
    • publisher-invited peer review display preferences
    • grant review display preferences
    • peer review availability
    • peer review from partners display preference.

More about Web of Science Researcher Profile