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Learn.UQ reading list and subject guide links

Links to your relevant Library subject guides can be added to or removed from your course in Learn.UQ (Blackboard).

Checking subject guide links in Learn.UQ (Blackboard)

  • Relevant Library subject guides should also be automatically linked to your Learn.UQ course.
  • The link will appear in the Learning Resources module under Subject Guides.

There may not be a relevant subject guide. If you think one of our subject guides is relevant, contact the Librarian Team.

To check it is linking to subject guides:

  1. Go to Learning Resources in your Learn.UQ course site.
  2. Click Subject Guides.
  3. Check that it is linking to relevant subject guides.
  4. Contact the Librarian team to add or change the guides included.

Watch Library subject guides link in Learn.UQ (Blackboard) Original (YouTube, 1m 3s) about these steps.

Watch Library subject guides link in Learn.UQ (Blackboard) on YouTube.

Adding the link if it's missing


  1. Go to Learning Resources in your Learn.UQ course site.
  2. Click Build Content.
  3. Choose Subject Guides.
  4. At Name type Subject Guides.
  5. Click Submit.


1.    Go to your Learning Resources folder.
2.    Hover where you’d like to add subject guides so that a purple line appears. 
3.    Click the plus icon.
4.    Choose Content Market. Find Subject Guides.
5.    Click on the Plus icon.