Publish and reference special collections
Publishing special collections material
Before using our special collections in publications, there are some things to consider.
Unpublished collections
You may have found manuscript material in our collections and copied it yourself in the Reading Room, or requested digital copies for research and study purposes. If you’ve decided to use these copies or wish to request ones for the purpose of publication, you will need to submit a new request Fryer Library items form. We are required to keep copies of these requests for 7 years.
If you are using our manuscript collections in publications, you will need to:
- obtain copyright clearance from the copyright holder or holders
- have this clearance ready to be uploaded to our request form
- declare in the form the item or items you are using, and that you will be publishing them
- ensure the citation acknowledges the Fryer Library as the custodian. Refer to our Referencing manuscripts from the Fryer Library guide.
If you are having difficulty determining or locating the copyright holder or holders, please contact the Fryer Library. We may have additional information.
Published collections
For published materials, please seek copyright permission directly from the copyright holder.
Referencing special collections
There are specific ways to reference special collections material in publications or essays.
- Consult our Manuscripts reference guide for help referencing unpublished materials from the Fryer Library or University Archives.
- Consult our referencing style guides for help with referencing materials from our special collections in particular styles.
Our Fryer Library team is available to help you with referencing questions.