Measure research performance and attention to your research.
Use research (or publication) metrics when you apply for a grant, promotion or as part of your Annual Performance and Development process. Measures include citation metrics, journal quality indicators, benchmarking, altmetrics and collaboration.
Research metrics can:
- provide evidence of influence or performance when applying for grants and promotions
- quantify return on research investment when applying for grant renewals
- highlight the value of your research in progress reports, including school, institute and research centre reviews, and research assessment exercises
- identify who is using your work.
Metrics support for grants and professional development
We provide training and support to help you gather and use research or publication metrics when applying for a grant, promotion or as part of your Annual Performance and Development.
Explore research metrics
There are different types of research metrics you can use to provide evidence for grants or promotions.
Find metrics
Find your publications and their citations and the performance and rank of publications.
Journal quality
Explore different indicators of journal quality.
Analyse your publications
Use a range of statistical methods to analyse publications, author output and citation counts.
Patent citations
Find your patents, patents citing your publications and publications citing your patents.
Book metrics
Find book citations, measures of book influence and library book holdings.
Online attention and altmetrics
Track online attention to your research with altmetrics (alternative metrics).

Make your research more visible
Learn strategies to help improve the visibility of your research and boost your researcher identity.