Check your IT set up for online exams
Access to online exam systems
- Your usernames and passwords are correct for each system you will use
- You can access Learn.UQ (Blackboard) and ProctorU (if needed)
- Your browser is compatible and updated to the latest version. Recommended browsers are Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox
- All non-essential browser extensions are disabled, especially JavaScript blockers.
Your computer and equipment
- Your operating system and software are up to date. Run any updates well in advance
- All antivirus security and firewalls are set to default settings
- Your laptop and any other devices (e.g. keyboard, mouse, camera or docks) are connected properly and have sufficient power. If possible, check if your location will have a scheduled power outage before you schedule your exam.
- Your internet is stable:
- If you have access to a wired internet connection, it is recommended you use it (wired internet connections tend to be more stable).
- If you have mobile data, practice hotspotting before the exam as a backup option if you lose your connection -
Visit or contact AskUs for a computer check if you find any issues that could affect your exam.
Save your work progress and evidence during your online exam
Regularly throughout your online examination:
- Save your work
- Take timestamped photos or screenshots of your progress, preferably showing your name or student number. Check how to take a screenshot and practice it on your device.
This is very important in the event that you are unable to complete your exam, or if you submit your exam late, due to unforeseen technical difficulties. You will have 15 minutes submission time for exams that require you to upload and submit your work.
Upload handwritten exams
Follow these steps to upload your handwritten or drawn responses (e.g. maths and chemistry equations, hand-drawn pictures, or diagrams) to Learn.UQ (Blackboard) for online exams and assessment. Make sure you:
- Check all the requirements before your assessment date.
- Use the time allocated for submission to complete the upload process, as this will take time. Practice before your exam.
Step 1 - Take a photo or scan your document
Use your phone to scan
There are free applications that you can use on your phone or tablet to scan a document and create a single PDF file.
- Android - try Google Drive or Microsoft Lens.
- iPhone - try the Notes app to scan documents and convert them to PDF.
Scanning tips
- Take the scan in a well-lit environment.
- Enable the contrast settings to highlight the difference between the text and the paper.
- Avoid using OCR tools in these apps, as this may lead to errors in the file.
Step 2 - Transfer the photo or scan to your computer
Use a cable or cloud storage to transfer the photo or scan. There are many free cloud storage options you can use, including Google Drive and OneDrive.
Note: The maximum attachment size for email is often 20MB. You will not receive the email, with your photo attached, if the total size of attachments is over 20MB.
Step 3 - Reduce the file size, if necessary
If you are required to submit the file as a PDF, you may need to reduce the file size of your document if it is very large.
Create a small file size explains how to compress images in Word to reduce the file size of a document and then convert it to PDF.
Turnitin Assignment submissions must be less than 100MB.
Step 4 - Check the file before submission
Check your photo or PDF file is clear and legible before submission. Files that are illegible may not be able to be marked.