ORCID ID and researcher identifiers
If you are undertaking research, you will need to set up persistent digital identifiers that uniquely distinguish you as a researcher and connect you to your research activity. Use ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) and other researcher identifiers to:
- establish your identity as a researcher
- get credit for your research activity
- improve your publication workflow
- draw in accurate data to your UQ eSpace and other profiles, including UQ Experts and your Individual Activity Profile (IAP).
7. Other profiles and platforms
There are a range of other public profiles and collaborative platforms that may be of value to you as a researcher.
If you have one of the following profiles, or create one in the future, make sure that you add a link to it in the Website section of your ORCID profile:
- Mendeley
- Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
- BioRxiv
- Loop
You must still adhere to copyright licencing conditions when using these sites.
Find out more about promoting your publications.
Contact the Librarian team for expert advice.
Systems and tools
- UQ eSpace — manage your scholarly works and share the data
- UQ Research Data Manager — store and manage research data
UQ policies and procedures
- Responsible Research Management Framework Policy
- Authorship Procedure
- Research Data Management Policy
- Open Access for UQ Research Publications Policy
- Open Access for Research Publications Guideline