Hospital staff membership
The University of Queensland Library supports staff of the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital and Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Service and staff of Metro North based at Herston.
Queensland Health staff who are not eligible for UQ Library membership: check Queensland Health Libraries and locations for services available to you
Library membership
Become a UQ Library member to borrow from our collections, get help with research and literature searches and connect with expert librarians who can help you find the information you need.
More about library membership benefits
With a Hospital Library Membership, you can:
- Borrow from the Library
- Visit our libraries during usual opening hours
- Request an item for delivery to your campus library
Let our team of librarians search the databases for you. Our searches provide you with clinical evidence to inform specific patient cases, organisational changes and update clinical guidelines.
For systematic reviews, try our online guide to get started. Contact your Outreach Librarian (below, on this page) for further help.
Use our free document delivery service for an item not available through the Library or the Clinical Knowledge Network (CKN).
- Clinical Knowledge Network (CKN) is an online collection of key health databases, books and journals, available to all Queensland Health staff. See our CKN guide.
- For COVID-19 information sources, visit our library guide. A key resource is CKN's COVID-19 Information.
- Access a selection of UQ databases, ebooks and ejournals from Library computers.
- Hospital and Health Services staff can access additional electronic resources that are not available on CKN. For example, Metro North Health has a subscription to UpToDate.
- The Library can assist you with the best ways to search online resources such as PubMed and others available via CKN. This includes support for researchers conducting systematic or scoping reviews. Our information on systematic searching can help you get started. Contact the Outreach Librarian (below, on this page) for personalised searching support.
Health Information and Research Essentials online modules provide an overview of essential health information, including an introduction to health, evidence-based practice, reliable health information, and health research. They are suited to a diverse audience, including students, researchers, clinicians, as well as patients and consumers.
If you are undertaking research, you will need to set up persistent digital identifiers that uniquely distinguish you as a researcher and connect you to your research activity. The most important of these identifiers is ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). Use our information on ORCID for hospital staff to guide you.
- Our referencing guides will help you format your reference list in styles such as APA and Vancouver.
- EndNote software stores and manages references from databases, Google Scholar and more. Use it to quickly create a reference list. View our training information on this page for upcoming EndNote training. For further EndNote help contact the Hospital Librarian.
- Queensland Health has moved to EndNote 21. Staff using a Queensland Health computer can access the Software Center to download and install EndNote. Hospital and Health Service staff may also install EndNote on their personal computer by requesting a copy of the installation file. Staff who are members of UQ Library can contact Herston Health Sciences Library via email Staff not eligible for UQ Library membership can contact the Queensland Health Library that serves their Hospital and Health Service.
We offer customised training sessions in the Library, in your department, or online. We can provide in-service training or individual consultations.
Your library membership will expire in December but we will contact you before then about how to extend your membership.
Visit Library memberships to update your details
Herston Health Sciences Library
Staff from Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital and Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Service are welcome at the Herston Health Sciences Library. Visit the Library to:
- get in-person support from library staff
- access library resources
- use library spaces for your work.
View library locations and opening hours
Upcoming hospital staff training
To register for your first training session, email and include your Library membership username (e.g. emjsmith) and the date and time of the session. We will reply within 2 business days. Once you have registered for your first session you can book in directly for subsequent sessions below.
View all training and workshops
Outreach Librarian
Natalie Barker
Outreach Librarian
+61 7 3346 4742
Loretta Atkinson