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Borrow from the Library

Who can borrow

UQ students, staff and other Library members can borrow from the Library. 

Community, alumni, hospital staff, and students and staff from other universities can apply for membership of the UQ Library in order to borrow. 

Visit Library memberships

How to borrow

Borrow items using:

  • library self-service loan machines
  • your UQ student ID, staff ID or library card.

Loan receipts are emailed to your UQ email account and will include the date your items should be returned.

A record of your current loans and borrowing history is available in your Library account.

Log in to your Library account

Renew your loans

General loans will be renewed automatically if the item is not overdue or recalled. You can also renew eligible loans from your Library account. 

Automatic renewals will happen 5 days before the due date unless loans are recalled, you have A$20 or more in library fines, or your account has been blocked or expired. 


  • Loans of general items cannot be renewed if there are additional requests for the item when you borrow it. Your loan period will be 14 days and you will be required to return the item by the due date.
  • Shorter loans (2 hours, end of day, 24 hours, 3 days, 7 days) and laptops cannot be renewed.
  • Requests to renew document delivery items should be made through the Document Delivery Portal. For assistance with document delivery, email

Recalled loans

For general items, you are guaranteed a loan period of 14 days. If someone requests an item you have on loan, we may email you to request the return of the item. Return the item by the new due date to avoid replacement charges. 

Return your loans

You can return items in person or by post. When the returns are processed you will receive a return receipt email.

View our libraries for return locations and postal addresses. 

Return items in person

When returning items in person, help us make them available for loan again sooner by:

  • returning items to the library where they were borrowed
  • placing High use and document delivery items on High use return shelves where available.

Community members: when returning items at UQ St Lucia outside of opening hours, please use the external return chute at the Architecture and Music Library.

Laptop loans

Return the laptop to the locker or AskUs service point where it was borrowed.

Visit laptop loans for more information.

Return items by post

When returning items by post:

  • please post them to the library where they were borrowed
  • you are responsible for return postage charges.

External and remote students and other eligible students may also borrow by mail.

Borrow and request items from other libraries

If we don't have the item you need, UQ students and staff can:

Fines and charges

Visit borrowing rules and charges