Central Library

Central Library, located in the Duhig North building, combines a large multidisciplinary collection and 24/7 study space for students.


  • Alumni, Community members and visitors have access to the Central Library from 7am-10pm Monday to Friday and 7am-6pm Saturday and Sunday. 
    Library spaces are closed to members of the community during public holidays.
  • Your UQ ID card is required after hours to use 24/7 spaces.

View all opening hours


+61 7 3346 4312 Find your librarian

Postal address

Central Library
The University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD 4072 Australia


Social Sciences and Humanities Library.


  • Current capacity: 1100
  • 24/7 spaces

Rooms you can book

Book a room:

  • 12 group meeting rooms
  • 2 individual study rooms
  • 1 presentation room
  • 3 Postgraduate group meeting rooms
  • 17 Postgraduate individual study rooms
  • 3 assistive technology rooms

Return your loans

You can return items on Level 1. Place:

  • general items in the return chute
  • High Use items on the return shelves in the High Use and Requested Items area.

Floor plans and accessible facilities

Level one

  • Collections:
    • High Use
    • Requested items
  • AskUs service point
  • Virtual AskUs service point
  • Tier 2, student IT support
  • Returns
  • Meeting rooms N105 to N106A
  • Meeting booths
    • One-person: N103-01 and 02, N115-01 to 03, N121-02 to 04
    • Two-person: N118-01, N121-01 and 05
  • Study rooms N107D, N107E
  • Study pods N115-01 to N115-22
  • Training room N109
  • Assistive technology rooms N107A to N107C 
  • Consultation room
  • Laptop lockers
  • Computers
  • Device docks (connect for screen, power and keyboard)
  • Print, scan and copy
  • Toilets

Information for clients with disabilities.

Level 1 Floor plan, Central Library. Click for a larger image.

Level two 

24/7 study space.

  • Lockers 
  • Computers
  • Group meeting rooms N2014A-F
  • Meeting booths N204-01 and N204-02
  • Presentation room N206
  • Accessible kitchen with fridge, microwave, hot and cold water and seating
  • Print/Scan/Copy
  • Toilets
  • Recharge station

Level 2 floor plan, Central Library. Click for a larger image.

Level three

24/7 collections and study space.

  • Collections:
    • Books and journals
    • Reshelving
  • Meeting room N311
  • Computers
  • Low-light study spaces
  • Print, scan and copy
  • Height adjustable desk
  • Toilets
  • Recharge station

Level 3, floor plan, Central Library. Click for a larger image.

Level four

24/7 collections and Study space.

  • Collections:
    • Big kits
    • Books and Journals
    • Chinese Resource Centre
    • Curriculum resources
    • Folios
    • Maps
  • Postgraduate study centre:
    • Group meeting rooms 
    • Individual study rooms
    • Lockers
  • Meeting Room N412
  • Computers
  • Device docks (connect for screen, power and keyboard)
  • Print, scan and copy
  • Height adjustable desks
  • Toilets

Level 4 floor plan, Central Library. Click for a larger image.


Study space outside the Library

Duhig Place is an outdoor study space next to the Central Library, where you'll find:

  • Shaded seats and tables
  • Power points
  • Wi-fi (Eduroam and UQ Wifi)
  • Braille trail leading to the Central Library
  • Well-lit areas for evening use