If you are undertaking research, you will need to set up persistent digital identifiers that uniquely distinguish you as a researcher and connect you to your research activity. Use ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) and other researcher identifiers to:

  • establish your identity as a researcher
  • get credit for your research activity
  • improve your publication workflow
  • draw in accurate data to your UQ eSpace and other profiles, including UQ Researchers and your Individual Activity Profile (IAP).

2. Develop and use your ORCID ID

After you have linked your ORCID ID to UQ eSpace, populate your profile with information about you and your research activities to make it useful.

Develop your profile

  1. Ensure the visibility is set to Everyone. You can hide individual records if needed
  2. Complete the biographyeducation and employment sections to build your ORCID profile
  3. Under Also known as add all variations of your name
  4. Under Country add countries in which you have undertaken research
  5. Under Keywords add keywords that describe your research
  6. Add relevant links under Websites, including your UQ Researcher page, Google Scholar profile page, personal research blog or social media channels you use for research.

Add works to your ORCID record

  1. Use the Search & link wizard to import your publications via digital object identifiers (DOIs), PubMed ID, Crossref or other author identifiers e.g. ResearcherID (Web of Science Researcher Profile) or Scopus Author Identifier
  2. Auto-update your publication list by granting Crossref permissions - a message will be sent to your ORCID inbox from Crossref to authorise this (Tip: make sure your ORCID ID is added to manuscripts submitted to publishers)
  3. Link your Dimensions account to ORCID:
    1. Click on your user profile in Dimensions
    2. Select Connect with ORCID and follow the instructions
  4. You can export a BibTeX file of research outputs from your UQ eSpace profile and import this into your ORCID manually
  5. Add your peer review activities by synchronising your ORCID profile and Web of Science Researcher Profile (see the next section)
  6. Import funding information using the Search & link Uberwizard

Note: Publication records added from CrossRef, Web of Science or Scopus via the Search & link wizards will be automatically added to UQ eSpace.

Manually adding publication data is the least preferred method of populating ORCID. Manually added records or those added via BibTeX import will NOT be imported to UQ eSpace.

Use your ORCID ID

Include your ORCID ID when you:

  • Submit manuscripts — publishers are adding ORCID IDs of contributors to a publication's metadata, correctly attributing your work to you
  • Apply for funding — the Australian Research Council (ARC) has ORCID integrated into the grant submission workflow. Other funding bodies including the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), the US National Institutes of Health and the Wellcome Trust are requesting ORCID IDs from grant applicants
  • Accept peer review assignments — you can be acknowledged for your contribution to the research community
  • Renew professional memberships —  organisations are increasingly using ORCID ID to help link and disambiguate members' identity
  • Create your poster presentations — get your QR Code for your ORCID ID and include it on your poster 
  • Communicate with colleagues — add your ORCID ID to your email signature or business card