If you are undertaking research, you will need to set up persistent digital identifiers that uniquely distinguish you as a researcher and connect you to your research activity. Use ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) and other researcher identifiers to:

  • establish your identity as a researcher
  • get credit for your research activity
  • improve your publication workflow
  • draw in accurate data to your UQ eSpace and other profiles, including UQ Experts and your Individual Activity Profile (IAP).

1. Set up an ORCID ID

ORCID is the authority source for external identifiers for University of Queensland staff and Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates. An ORCID ID will belong to you throughout your scholarly career. ORCID enables integration, allowing systems to connect researchers, publishers, funders and other organisations. A Quick Tour of the ORCID Record (Vimeo, 3m2s) provides more information.

Register and link your ORCID to UQ eSpace

Link your ORCID ID with University systems via our authenticated process to ensure that your publications are correctly identified in our systems and linked to your profile.

UQ Staff

Link your ORCID ID to UQ eSpace:

  • create a new ORCID ID and link it to UQ eSpace, or
  • link your existing ORCID ID

If you are not sure if you already have an ORCID ID or have forgotten the login details, watch Lost ORCID credentials? We can help! (Vimeo, 1m26s).


UQ Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students

HDR candidates who commenced on or after 1 April 2018 are required to register an ORCID ID with UQ by attainment of their confirmation milestone.

  1. Log into UQ eSpace using your student credentials (e.g. s1234444)
  2. Choose to create a new ORCID ID and link it or to link an existing ID to your student profile

Note: You must link your ORCID ID to your UQ eSpace student profile to be able to deposit your thesis or publications to your student profile.

Register at least two email addresses to your ORCID ID (e.g. your UQ email and a personal email) to ensure you are never locked out of your account if you change institutions. Make sure you verify your added email addresses.

Privacy settings

Set the visibility of your ORCID profile to Everyone so that:

  • anyone can view your profile via the orcid.org website
  • the University of Queensland can use the data in your ORCID profile
  • your ORCID profile is visible to the research community, including potential collaborators and funders.

to ORCID with UQ credentials

Every UQ staff and student can link their ORCID login to their UQ credentials to allow you to log in with your UQ username and password.

  1. On the sign in screen of ORCID, select Institutional Account (tab next to Personal)
  2. Search for the University of Queensland and click Continue
  3. Log in with your usual credentials (e.g uqxxxxxx or sxxxxxx)
  4. Agree to the terms and conditions of the Australian Access Federation (AAF).

Once this authority has been established on your device, you can log in to ORCID using the same credentials as you do for UQ access. If you then use a different computer you will have to do these steps again.

Benefits of ORCID

Disambiguation — a researcher's name may be common, may change over time or be presented differently on different platforms. Your ORCID ID will help you track your research activity and distinguish yourself and your body of work, making it easier to get credit for your research.

Connectivity — connecting your ORCID ID to University systems via UQ eSpace will improve your publication workflows and enhance identity management at UQ, making it easier for the University to associate you with your research activity. Connecting your ORCID ID to your other external identifiers will help to automate your research workflows and reduce the amount of time you spend on administrative tasks. 

Discoverability — a complete and connected ORCID profile is a valuable promotional tool, allowing you to accurately showcase the breadth of your scholarly work and establish your contribution to your field.