Academic integrity describes the ethical principles that underpin academia and student life. All members of the UQ community have a responsibility to support and uphold the values of academic integrity.

These Academic Integrity Modules (AIM) are designed to help you understand your obligations and responsibilities as a UQ student. 

Access the modules

Access the modules from this page and enrol using your UQ login to ensure your completion is recorded.

Academic Integrity Modules (UQ login required)

Press Start Course to begin the modules or Resume Course if you have started previously.

Completing the modules

All new to UQ students and new to a program students need to complete the compulsory Academic Integrity Modules (AIM) before the due dates. The modules are also highly recommended for all continuing students.

If you are new to a program and have completed AIM previously you do not have to complete the modules a second time.  

Important: If you do not complete the modules by the due dates, you will be unable to view your grades and will be prevented from enrolling in the following semester until the modules have been completed. 

Due dates

You’ll need to complete:

  • Part A by 31 August 2024 (census date)
  • Part B by 25 October 2024 (end of week 13). 

Note: Leave Part B until after you have completed some of this semester’s assessment tasks so you have experience with University level assessment.

Check your progress


Purple ticks on the Course tab and on the pages show your progress but the tick will not always appear even though you have completed the page. Do not be concerned if the purple tick does not appear. 

Check your assessment completion

You require a score of 100% to successfully complete each module in Part A. 

  1. Select the Progress tab to view your results
  2. Check the headline score e.g. (5/5) 100% beside each module title for your grade. 

Return to the modules and repeat any compulsory assessment tasks until they are correct to complete the module.

 5/5 (100%), Module 2: 2/5 (40%) and Module 3: 0/5 (0%).
Progress for AIM Part A modules with headline progress scores. ​​Module 1 has been completed with a score of (5/5). Modules 2 and 3 are not yet complete.

Do not refer to the individual Problem Scores when checking your progress.

Get help

Contact the Library AskUs team for IT help or for any issues using the modules.

Further resources