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Laptop loans

Students and library members can borrow laptop computers from the Library. We offer:

  • 24-hour loans to UQ students, UQ College students, staff and hospital staff members
  • 28-day loans to undergraduate, coursework postgraduate and UQ college students.

UQ recommends that students have a personal laptop for their studies. 

Visit the Bring your own device page for laptop requirements, discounts on a new purchase or for financial hardship assistance information.

Self-service laptop lockers

Borrow a laptop from a laptop locker in the follow library spaces.

Borrow and return

Use your UQ ID card or library card when borrowing and returning a laptop.

  • Borrow: follow the instructions on the locker. You will receive a confirmation email.
  • Return: return the laptop to the locker you borrowed it from by the due date and time on your loan receipt. 

Login to the laptop before leaving campus. Otherwise, connect to the VPN to log in from home.

Laptop locker with individual slots to collect and return laptops and a central screen for borrowing.
Self-service laptop lockers at Central Library, St Lucia campus

Borrow a laptop from an AskUs service point

Library staff have a limited number of laptops for 28-day loans that are available from:

Contact us to check if we have a laptop available or visit these AskUs service points during staffed hours.

Borrow and return

  • Borrow: bring your UQ ID card. Our AskUs staff will loan you a laptop and charger. The items will be added to your library account and you will receive a loan confirmation email. 
  • Return: return the laptop and charger at the AskUs service point where it was borrowed by the due date and time during desk hours.

Loan conditions 

  • Laptop loans are subject to library borrowing rules.

  • 28-day laptop loans are available to undergraduate and coursework postgraduate students only.
  • You must be enrolled for the current semester to be eligible to borrow a laptop. You must return the laptop if you unenroll.
  • Laptop loans cannot be renewed except under extenuating circumstances. Contact us if you need assistance.