Searches are for the work purposes of hospital staff library members. Turnaround varies depending on the volume of requests being received.
For assistance finding information for your studies make an appointment with your librarian team or attend library training.
Your results will be sent by email attachment.
Disclaimer: The search is conducted using resources available on Clinical Knowledge Network and within time limits. It has been carried out by a specialist librarian, not a health practitioner. It is not intended to provide healthcare staff with either advice or recommendations on the management of individual patients. Nor does it provide medical advice to health consumers. The search results consist of bibliographic references only, not the full-text of original papers. All requests will be kept confidential.
Privacy statement: The University of Queensland Library only requests and uses personal information for the specific purpose for which it is requested. Your personal information is treated in strict compliance with relevant privacy laws. We disclose personal information with your express consent only, or where required by law. See our Privacy Management Policy and Procedure for details..