Find an item on the shelf
Confirm the item is available
When you have used Library Search to find the item you need, check the item record to confirm the item is available:
- physical items will be displayed as Available
- online items will be displayed as Available online.
'Check availability'' means your item is not currently available.
Log in to see detailed access information including request options and loan category. Visit borrowing rules and charges for information about loan categories.

Library Search result for a physical item that is available showing the library location, collection and call number.
Find an item
When you have confirmed the item is Available:
- Note the Library location (e.g. JK Murray), the Collection it is part of (e.g. General) and the Call number (e.g. QA276.12.F75 1997).
- Find the collection level and section you need. Look at the end of the shelves to see the range of call numbers shelved in that section. Call numbers are read from left to right, and from top to bottom.
- Items are ordered alphabetically and numerically by the call number on the book spine, e.g. Q > QA > QB, and QA275 > QA276 > QA277. The last part of a call number is the year of publication (e.g. 1997).
- We use the Library of Congress call number system, which groups items by subject.
Learn more about Library of Congress Classification
Some items must be requested, including:
- items held in our Library Warehouse storage facility
- resources that require prior arrangement, such as those in our Fryer Library.
Clients with disabilities may request assistance with finding and using library resources.
Visit support for clients with disability
Items not on the shelf
If you can't find the item, check:
- you have the correct library location, collection and call number
- the copy you need is available or submit a request if it's on loan
- the floor directory to make sure you're looking in the right area
- items on reshelving trolleys in that area. It's also possible someone is using the item within the Library.