Get information on Intellectual property, copyright for publications and research data, and Creative Commons for open access publishing.

1. Intellectual property

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations or knowledge resulting from intellectual efforts. IP gives the owner the right to decide how others can use the creations. IP affects the way you and others can use your research outputs. 

University of Queensland IP policy

Types of IP 

Some forms of IP protect your rights as soon as you create something. Other types of IP require a formal application to register ownership.

Automatic IP protection

  • Copyright e.g. literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, sound recordings, cinematograph films, television and sound broadcasts and computer programs
  • Trade secrets e.g. confidential information and methods
  • Circuit layouts e.g. layout designs or plans of integrated circuits

Requires IP registration

  • Patents e.g. inventions and new processes, where the way something works is protected
  • Trademarks e.g. logos or branding that identify the goods or services of a business or organisation
  • Designs e.g. product designs, where the appearance is protected rather than the way it works
  • Plant breeder's rights e.g. new plant varieties
  • Geographical indications e.g. food, drinks or products, where an item's quality, reputation or other characteristic is attributable to its geographical origin

See IP Australia for more information about the different types of IP.