You may be required to undertake or submit assessment in Learn.UQ such as:

  • sit a test/quiz
  • submit an essay or a range of file types
  • provide links to online content or upload and submit a video
  • create an ePortfolio.

You can also check your grades via the Welcome screen.

Online Exams

Online exams: final, deferred and supplementary examinations delivered online through Learn.UQ.

Turnitin Assignments

Turnitin assignments: online assignment submission where files are scanned for plagarism and a Similarity Report is generated.

Turnitin GradeScope Assignments

Turnitin GradeScope: assignments: online submission of scanned handwritten assignments and exams.

Blackboard Assignments

Blackboard assignments: individual or group submissions that can include attached files or links to content.

Inspera Assessment

Inspera Assessment is an online assessment tool used with a wide range of question types and accessibility provisions.

Quizzes and tests

Quizzes and tests: online assessment that can be scheduled to test your knowledge throughout your course. Give yourself plenty of time and ensure you're using a reliable internet connection!

Turnitin PeerMark assignments

Turnitin Peer Mark assignments - a peer assessment tool that allows students to review and provide feedback on assignments that were submitted by their peers.

Video assignments

Videos can be created using Echo360 or Zoom and submitted as part of a Blackboard assignment.


Information on using ePortfolios in Learn.UQ including creating text blocks, uploading files, completing forms and submitting for assessment.

    Group Peer Assessment

    Buddycheck is a tool that calculates student contributions to a group assessment determined by multiple criteria.

    Digital Essentials Modules

    The Library has partnered with UQ students to create Digital Essentials, a series of online modules for you to quickly build your digital skills so you can succeed in study and work.