There are various collaborative tools within Learn.UQ to help instructors and students interact.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is an online collaboration platform. It enables group members to co-author documents, utilise apps, have both individual and group chats, schedule meetings, as well as use audio or video communication features.

Virtual Classroom (Zoom)

Zoom is a virtual classroom system which allows participants to communicate, view presentations, interact with learning resources and work in groups.


Padlet is an online virtual "wall", where you can contribute a response to an online or in-class course activity. It is also possible for you to create your own Padlets.


Your course may include interactive learning activities created by the course teaching team using H5P. These activities could be in the form of short quizzes, interactive presentations, online modules, learning tools or educational games. H5P provides an interactive way for you to engage with course content and can be a form of formative assessment, or used as a knowledge check tool, to provide you with immediate feedback.


In some learning activities, your lecturers or tutors might use a polling tool called EchoPoll to make the class more interactive. When you first use this tool, you will be required to sign in to the system.


Flip (originally named Flipgrid) is an online video-based social learning platform, in which students and teaching staff can record video or audio files. It allows students to see each other online, learn from one another through vlogging, and connect to each other on a socio-emotional level, in their own time.  

Blogs and journals

Blogs and journals are: 

  • individual
  • group
  • course wide

tools for writing academic posts. Other students can add comments.

Discussion boards

Discussion boards are used to host various threads of conversation between all course participants.


Wikis are collaborative spaces that are sometimes used for group work.

Formatting your collaborative content

Information on the Learn.UQ text editor.

ePortfolio Collaboration workspace

Workspaces are collaborative or shared ePortfolio environments that contain portfolios, artefacts and discussions. 

TurningPoint (Previously ResponseWare)

TurningPoint allows you to answer interactive questions in a lecture or tutorial on a web-enabled device. i.e. laptop, tablet or phone.


Groups allow you to collaborate with fellow group members on tasks, projects and assignments with tools such as email, discussion boards, blogs, journals, wikis, file exchange area and task lists.

Digital Essentials Modules

The Library has partnered with UQ students to create Digital Essentials, a series of online modules for you to quickly build your digital skills so you can succeed in study and work.