3. Record your video

  1. Click on the REC button to begin recording.

Record button highlighted

  1. To pause the recording, click on the Pause button.

pause button highlighted

  1. To resume the recording after pausing, click on the Pause button again.

resume button higlighted

  1. If you would like to discard the recording and start again, click on the Discard (X icon) button.


  1. Once you have finished recording, click on the Stop button. 

Warning: Once you stop the recording, the video will begin processing and you will be unable to resume recording.

stop button highlighted

  1. Your video will then begin processing and will be available in your Echo360 gallery shortly for submission.

Note: You do not have to download the video file(s) in order to submit your video as it will automatically be uploaded to your Echo360 account and available to select when you submit. 

  1. You can close the window while your video processes.

recording processing screen