If you are undertaking research, you will need to set up persistent digital identifiers that uniquely distinguish you as a researcher and connect you to your research activity. Use ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) and other researcher identifiers to:

  • establish your identity as a researcher
  • get credit for your research activity
  • improve your publication workflow
  • draw in accurate data to your UQ eSpace and other profiles, including UQ Experts and your Individual Activity Profile (IAP).

5. UQ eSpace profile

Connecting your ORCID ID to University systems via UQ eSpace will improve your publication workflows and enhance identity management at UQ, making it easier for the University to uniquely associate all of your research activities with you.

Benefits for you and the University

When you link your ORCID ID with UQ eSpace and submit your ORCID ID when publishing we can: 

  • reduce the administrative efforts to process your publications information, e.g. when supplying your full list of publications for grant applications, potential collaborations or internal promotion opportunities
  • minimise the quantity of records in UQ eSpace which are assigned to you to Claim Possible Publications
  • show and provide a direct link to all of your identifiers which are linked to your ORCID ID in your UQ eSpace profile (on your dashboard)
  • provide accurate data for mandatory Government reporting requirements such as the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA)
  • provide accurate data for your individual research activity reports, or for School/Institute combined reporting.

More benefits for you

Provide accurate data to:

  • raise the visibility of your research. If you have an accurate and well-developed eSpace profile this will flow through to Google and Google Scholar
  • UQ Experts — a searchable database of University of Queensland research experts. UQ Experts is for industry and business, the academic community, research students and the wider community.
  • UQ Author Statistics — publication statistics from UQ eSpace. Log in to view your personal statistics and search for other UQ authors.

ORCID and UQ eSpace — essential information

All UQ staff and HDR students have a UQ eSpace profile. When you login to UQ eSpace you will be prompted to create or link your ORCID ID, if you do not have an existing linked ORCID ID in the system. See the Set up an ORCID ID section for more information. Once you have your ORCID ID you should link all other identifiers to your ORCID profile. 

When UQ eSpace and ORCID have been linked, your ORCID ID will show immediately in your dashboard, but there is a time delay to show other researcher identifiers, such as ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID and Google Scholar. These icons will be activated on your dashboard when the information becomes available to UQ eSpace through your linked ORCID ID. The associated publication information will also flow through to your UQ eSpace profile. See the UQ eSpace guide for more information about the dashboard.

At this point in time, UQ eSpace will only show publication information for records which have been added to your ORCID profile from ResearcherID, Crossref and Scopus AuthorID. Publications from sources other than these still need to be manually added to your UQ eSpace profile, even though they may appear under Works in your linked ORCID profile.

Contact the Library Team if you have questions.