Intellectual property and copyright
Get information on Intellectual property, copyright for publications and research data, and Creative Commons for open access publishing.
3. Copyright for research data
For clarity, it is best to think of data and copyright in this way: data which simply expresses information in an ordinary and usual way will not be copyright – e.g. simple facts and figures arising from your research.
It is possible – but still unusual – that there may be original copyright expression in the database containing certain data. In that case, the database – but not the data – may have copyright protection.
Re-use of research data
To allow for the re-use of research data, when you publish your research datasets in UQ eSpace you can have a standard licensing agreement applied. This ensures that:
- you are able to make your data available to others under clear, fair and effective terms and conditions
- users accessing your data via UQ eSpace must agree to acknowledge the re-use of your data and restrict its use to non-commercial purposes.
You can choose to apply a Creative Commons (CC) licence but the licences will only apply to the extent that the dataset is protected by copyright law. The next section explains CC licences.
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