Contact us

AskUs - we're here to assist

AskUs is our help and information service. Contact us anytime.

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Library chatAsk the Library Chatbot or chat with Library staff during staffed hours.

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Submit an enquiry. We will respond to your enquiry within one day.

Give us a call

Phone our friendly staff on +61 7 3346 4312 or Video call us (UQ login required).

Visit us

Visit an AskUs desk in Central, DH Engineering and Sciences, Dutton Park, JK Murray Library (UQ Gatton) and Herston Health Sciences libraries. Check our AskUs desk times.

AskUs can help you with

  •   Searching
  •   Accessing resources
  •   Referencing
  •   Borrowing and membership
  •   Wireless internet
  •   Learn.UQ (Blackboard)
  •   Printing
  •   Student passwords

Contact your Librarian Team

Our librarians can help with:

  • research-related enquiries 
  • advice on services for UQ researchers, teachers and staff
  • a consultation on your research, teaching or learning needs

Frequently asked questions

Before contacting us, try browsing or searching for common questions.

More ways to contact us

Meet our Leadership team

Find out more about our organisational structure, including our University Librarian and leadership team

Give feedback

Submit comments and suggestions. We appreciate and respond to your feedback.

Postal address

Level 6, Duhig Tower
The University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD 4072