Introducing Using Language Data to Learn About Language: A Teachers’ Guide to Classroom Corpus Use, newly published on Open Textbooks @ UQ in February 2023.
About the book
Using Language Data to Learn About Language: A Teachers’ Guide to Classroom Corpus Use is a teaching guide, containing resources in English, Portuguese and Spanish, for international language classes (Pinto & Spinelli, 2023). The resources can be used in an online or offline classroom environment.
The book aims to introduce both new and experienced language teachers to Data-Driven Learning (DDL) concepts they can include in their lessons.
The book includes:
- Lesson ideas
- Detailed lesson plans
- Videos
- Interactive H5P activities.
It is being used in a semester 1 course at UQ.
The book is adapted from Caderno de Atividades de Aprendizagem Movida por Dados and was a collaboration between UQ and São Paulo State University in Brazil.
Read or download Using Language Data to Learn About Language: A Teachers’ Guide to Classroom Corpus.
Open Textbooks @ UQ
Open Textbooks @ UQ is The University of Queensland’s open book creation platform that uses Pressbooks. You can find, create, adopt and adapt open books for your courses. It provides your students with:
- Free online access to the textbook
- No access limitations
- An increased sense of belonging due to the inclusion of local context and a diversity of viewpoints.
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Students are generally very positive about the inclusion of open textbooks in their courses. The high price of many textbooks is a major ongoing issue for most students. Open textbooks are an attractive alternative for students.
Student thoughts:
No restrictions on the textbooks made it simple to download chapters with ease, without worrying about the 20-page limit like in restricted textbooks. I personally need to highlight and annotate, so I need to download and print these, to maximise my understanding.
Because I don’t have to stress about purchasing and it is more accessible and easier to use and learn through multiple devices. It is way more engaging and makes learning easy!
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