EndNote referencing software

EndNote is a sophisticated referencing manager. Use EndNote to:

  • Manage information about resources you have found
  • Create a list of references from your searches
  • Insert citations into a document
  • Produce a bibliography or reference list in any style within your document

The Library provides an academic licence and support for current UQ students and staff.

 Get EndNote

Before installing EndNote:

Download EndNote for Windows or Mac
(UQ login required)

You may need to unzip the downloaded file to run the installation process.

 How to use EndNote

Learn how to use EndNote with:

  • Online modules
  • Training guides
  • Videos
  • Risk minimisation and avoid data corruption
  • Common issues.


For assistance using EndNote, contact:

Overview of different software

Overview of popular referencing management software tools


Learn about Mendeley, available from Elsevier


Zotero is a free, open source reference management software which can manage bibliographic data and related articles and files.