Psychological Research Methods Workbook: A new open textbook

A new open textbook, Psychological Research Methods Workbook, has been published in Open Textbooks @ UQ.

About the book

Professor Winnifred Louis has published Psychological Research Methods Workbook on Open Textbooks @ UQ.

Psychological Research Methods Workbook cover. PSYC3010 Working Team

The book was written by the PSYC3010 Working team to introduce the statistical package jamovi and present activities and exercises to consolidate students’ understanding of topics in factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regression. It will be used in the third year course Psychological Research Methods III at the University of Queensland.

Psychological Research Methods Workbook is shared under a Creative Commons Attrubution NonCommercial licence to allow others to share and adapt the book.

Open Textbooks @ UQ

Open Textbooks @ UQ is The University of Queensland’s open book creation platform. You can author a new open textbook or adapt an existing open textbook for your course.

  • Tailor content to suit your course.
  • Add local context, Indigenous perspectives and a diversity of viewpoints.
  • Update your book immediately and easily.

There are also Open Textbook @ UQ grants available to help UQ academics to adapt or create open textbooks and use them in courses.

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Last updated:
30 July 2024