Submit HDR research progress reports using UQRDM

Higher degree by research (HDR) students can use UQ Research Data Manager to submit your regular Research Progress Reports. 

If you're working from home, you'll still need to submit your Research Progress Reports regularly. The UQRDM system makes it easy for you to submit your reports and makes it easy for your supervisor to access the reports from wherever they are.

If you have set up a UQRDM record for your project already

Note: you only need to create one UQRDM record for your thesis/project

  1. Check that you have linked your supervisor to your project by adding them as Project Lead in the UQRDM project record
  2. Complete your Research Progress Report
  3. Save your report in a folder in your UQRDM project storage (this will be either your mapped R: drive or the UQRDM cloud interface). It is helpful to create a folder labelled Research Progress Report so your supervisor can find your reports. 

Your supervisor will now be able to access the report from wherever they are and review it for you.

If you haven't set up a UQRDM record for your project yet

  1. Log in to UQRDM using your UQ student username and password.
  2. Press the Create a new record link in the menu.
  3. Complete the create record form: 
    • Select the Higher degree by research (HDR) project checkbox
    • Add your supervisor as the Project Lead to give them access to all files saved for your project
    • If you also have UQ staff credentials, add these to the project record as a Collaborator
  4. Click Submit for approval to submit the record and it will be sent to your supervisor for review. 

Detailed instructions for setting up a UQRDM project record can be found in the UQ Research Data Manager guide (see Setting up your project).


  • UQRDM supports you to manage your research and data, and meet the Graduate School requirements
  • UQRDM will provide you with one Terabyte of storage and the ability to share documents with your supervisor and other collaborators
  • Visit the UQ Research Data Manager guide for more information


  • If you need some assistance with setting up your UQRDM project record or submitting your Research Progress Reports, please contact


Last updated:
22 April 2020