UQ Law alumni ease student textbook burden
The UQ Law Alumni Association has been working with publishers Thomson Reuters and LexisNexis to ease the financial burden of textbooks on law students. In collaboration with the Library, the UQ Law Alumni Association is providing additional copies of textbooks on a 24-hour loan for use by law students.
UQ Law Alumni Association President, Mr John McKenna QC, believes access to textbooks is an equity issue.
“We are focused on helping disadvantaged students who may not be able to afford them. Due to the high cost of some textbooks, lecturers can be reluctant to prescribe them and we are hoping that this scheme will make it a more viable option,” Mr McKenna QC said.
“The ultimate aim is to have five copies of every textbook for every subject available for law students. We are starting with the new release editions and textbooks that are not available online.”
“Thank you to my fellow law alumni who have supported this project and to the publishers Thomson Reuters and LexisNexis,” he said.