35 Tracking Changes in Legislation


It can be valuable to understand how an Act has changed over time. Most Acts indicate these changes using a system of abbreviations.

Table 9: Abbreviations and their meanings
Abbreviation Meaning
ad  added
amd (or am)  amended
ins inserted
om omitted
renum renumbered
rep repealed

How to track changes

Traditionally, these abbreviations have been used to indicate changes to an Act in the Endnotes or Notes section found at the back of the Act. For Commonwealth Acts, for instance, turn to the Endnotes 4 — Amendment history.

The Amendment history for Section 69P of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) is:

s69P………………….ad. No. 167, 1995; am. No 98, 2005.

This information tells you that:

  • Section 69P was added in 1995 and amended in 2005
  • The Act number and year of assent of the amending legislation.

For a fuller picture of the amendments, find the amending Act (Family Law Amendment Act 2005 No. 98, 2005) using the information provided.

Some websites incorporate the amendment information in a more accessible way. For instance, the Queensland legislation website allows users to use an option to Turn history notes on to see the amendment history while viewing the Act.

Screenshot showing the Supreme Court Library Act 1968 in the Queensland Legislation website. The image shows where the amending information is located underneath the sections of legislation.
Supreme Court Library Act 1968 (Qld). Sourced from the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel website at 20 June 2023. For the latest information, please go to https://www.oqpc.qld.gov.au. Shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This chapter is adapted from Tracking Changes in Legislation in Legal Research Skills: An Australian Law Guide by The University of Queensland Library, James Cook University Library, University of Southern Queensland Library, Charles Darwin University Library, Southern Cross University Library, Queensland University of Technology Library, and Deakin University Library.


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